It's Lyrical - My Music Hideout On The Web

American folk, bluegrass, blues, British folk, soft rock, music of the 80s, Irish drinking songs, Canadian east coast music, folk rock, country, fugues, gospel, and a whole lot more

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Location: Toronto, Canada

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Create That Song/Fake Book

Two song books
It's no secret to my friends. I have very poor short term memory. I will find myself singing "la la la hum hum pum words words words" a lot when we get together to play. That is why I started my song book(s) - collections of the songs that I play. I can trot a song book out at a music night, and be assured that the words I see will be the ones that I sing.

It's a simple thing to do. Just get the words for your favourite songs, and then put them somewhere together. I have one songbook in a binder, and another is just stapled.

I have found the following methods good for acquiring new words for my song book.
1. Ask your friends to help you. They may already have lots of songs on their computers.

2. Type them out yourself. I found the best way to do this is to listen to them on the computer (so it is easy to stop, pause or restart to get the lyrics).

3. Download them from the Internet. If you like folk and bluegrass (like I do), then the following sites will be useful for you:

Take it to the next level and make it a fake book by adding chord letters, and a simple melody line. You can create the melody lines with ABC notation.

Have Fun Playing!


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